Chilli Fried Rice

Ok, today was a huge success!! I finished a huge plate of chilli fried rice. It's mainly because the fried rice not only tasted special - crisp and soft all combine in one with a little bit of chilli sauce that evoked my taste buds, but it also looked refreshing - the green of chinese borccoli, the orange of carrot, the yellow of fried egg, and the fleshcolor of pork. Plus I was starving so badly after I got back home - I woke up at 8am to take the first MCAT course this summer, which was a diagnostic test that lasted for about 5 hours; Then I rushed to a computer lab for work with only a pack of chips in my hand and that was my lunch.

This meal was the gift of today :)

Of course I know you must be dying to know what recipe made this meal so appealing. And there it is:

Sticky white rice
1 Carrot
0.5 lb chinese broccoli
2 eggs
0.3 lb pork
2 table spoon of salt
2 table spoon of cooking wine
1.5 table spoon of spicy bean sauce
Note: Again, all measurements are estimated!

First, cook sticky white rice properly. I know you all know how - use a rice cooker!
While cooking the rice, take a big pot and pour some water in. While waiting for the water to boil, wash the chinese broccoli, and cut into small pieces (about the length of your thumb =p). You can also start pealing the carrot and cut it into small cubes (about 1'' x 1'' x 1''). Cut pork into the similar size as that of carrot.
When water starts to boil, put cut broccoli in briefly until they change to dark green. Then take them out.
Add some oil to your pan, and some cooking wine and fry your pork. Also, fry eggs and carrot, seperately.
Lastly, fry your cooked sticky white rice (you can add some water if the rice is too dry) with boiled broccoli, fried carrot, meat and egg. Add salt, spicy bean sauce. And you are done!

You see, I even forgot to take a picture of the dish today because I couldn't wait to taste it and I totally forgot about photos lol

Bon appetite! :D


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